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Event focuses on lone workers

16 August 2021

LONE WORKER Safety Live returns with a face-to-face event on the 12 October 2021.

As the UK and the rest of the working world find their feet post lockdowns, many businesses are finding themselves managing far more long term lone and remote workers than ever before. With the unarguable advantages, comes the challenge of managing people and workplace risks at a distance. 

Already established as the key event in the UK to provide specific advice and guidance on managing the safety, security and wellbeing of lone and remote workers, Lone Worker Safety Live has announced that it returns with a face-to-face event on 12th October 2021. 

Nicole Vazquez, organiser and host told us, “Last year we stayed connected with the lone worker community through webinars, but there really is no substitute for getting people in the same room to share the learning experience. Being able to ask experts your questions on the specific challenges you and your business face and being able to network with likeminded people, to learn from them as well cannot be replicated. The benefits of this kind of event should not be underestimated”. 

To ensure that the expert speaker conference, workshops and exhibition can run safely and in a COVID conscious way, the organisers have taken extra steps including asking people to prove their COVID free status before arrival. 

Nicole continues, “This year we have moved into a larger space at the iconic Lord’s Cricket Ground but have taken the decision to keep numbers small to ensure that people feel safe and comfortable. We know people are keen to attend but we have to balance this with making sure everyone can attend safely”. 

During the event there will be legal, mental health and safety experts talking about the risks that working in isolation can bring. The programme is varied, from the increased risk of violence and aggression, through to the potential for higher stress levels and the subsequent impact on wellbeing. As the programme is fully educational, delegates are also entitled to CPD points for attending the day. 

The keynote speakers are both well respected women in their field. Louise Ward, Health and Safety Environment and Quality Director at Siemens and recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2021 Safety and Health Excellence Awards will be sharing lessons learnt from managing thousands of Siemens workers through the transition to remote working during the recent lockdowns. And Barbara Hockey, Head of the Vulnerable Workers Team at the Health and Safety Executive, will be sharing the HSE’s approach to managing lone and remote working post COVID.

More details about the event can be found at the Lone Worker Safety Live website and limited tickets are available now at www.loneworkersafetylive.com
