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Dräger's showcased technologies at BTS Conference

07 October 2021

DRAEGER SAFETY UK showcased a wide range of its latest technologies at the 2021 British Tunnelling Society (BTS) Conference and Exhibition to reflect its position in the field of medical and safety systems.

The systems comprise different technologies centred around the quality of breathing air and the environment. They include the BG ProAir breathing apparatus; Oxy MK III self-rescuers; portable gas detection technologies; and the Dräger X-plore 8000 powered air-purifying respirator. They also include impairment testing and policy solutions and the latest PPE. 

BG ProAir, Dräger’s latest Closed-Circuit Breathing Apparatus (CCBA), provides 240 minutes of continuous breathing protection for longer incident durations. Its ergonomics have been optimised to allow comfort and freedom of movement and an even weight distribution.

Dräger says the oxygen self-rescuers Oxy 3000 and 6000 MK III deliver the very highest levels of breathing protection when tunnelling professionals need to urgently evacuate. This escape range is easy and fast to handle under extreme conditions and a patented safety eye provides the ability to check the device without additional tools. The range’s 30- and 60-minute products provide more options for emergency planning, while their 10-year maintenance-free lifecycle costs provide a significant return on investment.

The Dräger team demonstrated how its portable gas detection products can make tunnelling workers aware of any combustible gases and vapours that may be present, or a lack of oxygen. Dräger offers both single- and multi-gas mobile gas monitors that reliably detect a wide range of gases. 

Dräger’s drug testing kits and alcohol breathalysers, as well as information on its supporting corporate testing policies, were another important element of Dräger’s stand. The range has been designed to help reduce the numbers of accidents due to drugs and alcohol in the workplace, and support businesses in implementing appropriate policies. 

The Dräger X-Plore 8000, a Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR), is a highly reliable and robust safety device designed to protect tunnelling workers when exposed to unsafe substances in the air whilst working in potentially explosive atmospheres. Intuitive handling combined with intelligent electronics mean employees can focus on the task at hand with reassurance of their safety. It features a heavy-duty design with rubber protectors and high ingress protection (IP65) against dust and water jets from any direction. Two battery versions incorporating the latest Li-ion battery technology provide power for at least four hours (standard version) or eight hours (high-capacity version).

The latest products within Dräger’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), ranges were also showcased, including body protection and protective clothing, head protection, respiratory protective equipment, including FFP2 and FFP3 level protection face masks, and a wide range of safety eyewear for many applications. 

Liz Millward, marketing manager emergency and rescue services at Dräger Safety UK, says the BTS Conference was an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate the company’s dedication to furthering worker safety in the tunnelling industry: “We highly appreciated the opportunity to communicate how advanced technologies supported by our renowned service delivery, as well as our market-leading R&D and UK-based manufacturing facilities are helping to protect workforces in challenging environments.”

The BTS Conference and Exhibition is the largest gathering of tunnelling professionals in the UK and is an important networking event for everyone involved in the design, construction, and operation/maintenance of today’s underground infrastructure. It took place on September 30th and October 1st, 2021, at the QEII Conference Centre in Westminster, London. 

For more information, visit www.draeger.com
