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BSIF forms partnership with UKATA

03 December 2021

BSIF IS pleased to welcome a new Associate member to the Federation. The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) and BSIF have agreed a mutually beneficial formal partnership with the aim of promoting each organisation and raise awareness of the great work both do.

UKATA is a leading authority for asbestos training, setting standards in asbestos training and ensuring all members meet those standards. UKATA’s mission is to remain at the forefront of asbestos training and awareness. They are committed to both maintaining and improving higher standards of asbestos training through ongoing monitoring of UKATA-approved training providers.

Inclusivity is at their core. It is through this that they ensure a positive influence on standards and related asbestos legislation.

UKATA’s membership is open to companies, businesses and individuals wishing to undertake the delivery of asbestos training as a UKATA approved training provider. Becoming a UKATA Professional Member demonstrates your commitment to delivering the highest standards of asbestos training.

“Taking asbestos training to the heart of industry”

Speaking on the partnership, BSIF membership manager Paul Manning stated, “The British Safety Industry Federation are extremely proud to announce a unique newfound collaboration between UKATA and BSIF. 

"BSIF champion and drive best practice through over 360 members that market in the Safety/PPE industrial sphere. A strong union between UKATA and BSIF henceforward is a positive step forward and will help to heighten the bar of Occupation Safety & health for all.” 

Also speaking on the partnership, UKATA chief operating officer Craig Evans said, “We are delighted to welcome the BSIF as a corporate partner in acknowledgement of their commitment and support for continued improvements and developments within the health and safety industry. 

"The newly formed partnership will benefit the wider industry by both organisations sharing knowledge, raising awareness collaboratively and promoting the services they offer, particularly regarding new innovations and developments in the PPE industry”

To find out more about UKATA, please click here.
