Home >Industry associations support The Fire Safety Event

Industry associations support The Fire Safety Event

26 January 2018

Leading fire industry associations have confirmed their support for The Fire Safety Event 2018.

Leading fire industry associations including the Institution of Fire Engineers, Rail Industry Fire Association, Association for Specialist Fire Protection, Institute of Fire Safety Managers, Association of Insurance Surveyors and the National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers - have all confirmed support for The Fire Safety Event 2018.

Taking place from the 10th to the 12th of April 2018 at the NEC, Birmingham and co-located with The Health & Safety Event and The Facilities Event, The Fire Safety Event promises to bring together thousands of like-minded professionals in the fire, safety, facilities and security sectors.  

The leading fire associations will be in attendance over the three days of the event with many having stands and speaking as part of the CPD-accredited seminar programme. They join the British Safety Council and BSIF in supporting the Western Business Exhibitions series of events in April.

Visitors attending the event will be treated to more than 20 hours of free CPD-accredited content from two theatres  The Fire Safety Keynote Theatre (sponsored by Advanced) and the Fire and Evacuation Theatre. Sessions include mock trials on the Fire Safety Order and Corporate Manslaughter, evacuating during terrorist attacks, lessons learned from Grenfell and how to conduct a suitable fire risk assessment and much more. 

Tim Else, Event Director, The Fire Safety Event said: "We are thrilled to have the leading associations in the fire sector supporting the Fire Safety Event and look forward to welcoming their members to the NEC in April. In 2017, we attracted more than 5,000 delegates across the three days who were treated to an unparalleled seminar programme. 

"This year's event will be bigger and better with an unparalleled line-up of high profile speakers addressing the key issues facing the sector such as legal responsibilities, tall buildings fire safety and evacuations, ensuring the competency of risk assessors and how to protect vulnerable people. We will also have more than 40 of the leading manufacturers and trade associations in the sector exhibiting so make sure you put 10-12 April in your diary and join us at the NEC Birmingham for The Fire Safety Event."

Free registration for The Fire Safety Event is now open. For more information or to register to attend visit www.firesafetyevents.com
