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Tall building fire safety events

08 March 2017

The Tall Building Fire Safety Network, which offers regular courses and conferences on tall building fire safety management in locations around the world, has announced a full schedule of events for 2017. 

The 4th International Tall Building Fire Safety Conference will take place on 20–22 June 2017 at Excel, London alongside the Firex International Exhibition. Attendees can choose to register for the full three-day event or for one or more of the themed days.

Day 1 will consider design and fire engineering in tall buildings; day 2, management and insurance of fire risk in tall buildings; while the last day will consider firefighting in tall buildings. With Early Bird rates available, book your space now at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/4th-international-tall-building-fire-safety-conference-tickets-30584752819#tickets

Meanwhile, the next Tall Building Fire Safety Management Course will take place at The Shard, London, UK on 8– 12 May 2017. 

The Tall Building Fire Safety Management Training Course is packed with useful tools and techniques for those tasked with management. Delivered over five days in existing Tall Buildings, the course covers a wide syllabus of relevant topics and case studies including: prevention, detection and alarm, escape, containment, and firefighting.

The course is suitable for anyone who has a responsibility for managing fire safety in a tall building, including; high rise residential, hotels, business and office blocks and mixed use.

For further information on the courses or to book, visit http://www.tallbuildingfiresafety.com/training-courses.php 
