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Influential leaders invited to shape Great Britain’s future health and safety strategy

16 December 2015

Leading industry figures and other key influencers are being urged to have a say in shaping the future strategy for Great Britain’s health and safety system.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) today published six themes that the five-year strategy will cover, as it begins engaging the people and organisations it thinks can help the nations and regions of Great Britain work well. The themes include: Acting together; Tackling ill health; Managing risk well; Supporting small employers; Keeping pace with change and Sharing our success. 

HSE Chair Judith Hackitt said: “We can be proud of the country’s record on work-related safety and health – it’s one of the best in the world. Making it even better is the challenge, so that we can all continue to help Great Britain work well. Getting risk management right is an enabler for productivity, innovation and growth, and is integral to business success as well as the wellbeing of workers.

“We’re starting a conversation with a wide range of influencers – including employers, workers, local and central government, unions, other regulators and key representative groups – because it’s important that this is a strategy for all, shaped by all.”

Justin Tomlinson MP, Minister for Disabled People, with responsibility for health and safety, said: “In Government, we are determined to build a more productive Britain, one that rewards hard work and helps all to benefit from the opportunities of economic growth.

“It is essential that health and safety is part of that, supporting British employers in their ambition and supporting workers who want to get on.

“Taking sensible steps to keep workers safe and well is something that the best-run businesses do. It’s good for people, it’s good for productivity and it’s good for growth.”

More details on how people can join in will be released at www.hse.gov.uk/strategy in the coming weeks. Plans include events across Great Britain, digital discussion groups and a campaign hashtag: #HelpGBWorkWell
