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And the winners are...

23 January 2013

The winners of the BSIF Safety Awards 2011 have been announced...

The winners of the BSIF Safety Awards 2011 have been announced.

The prestigious awards recognise excellence within the safety industry, excellence in customer service, product innovation and the key goal of improving occupational health and safety.

David Lummis, chief executive officer at the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) comments: “Each year, the BSIF is proud to host these highly coveted awards and we hope that organisations found an opportunity within the three categories to enter. Once again, we received many outstanding entries, with competition and innovation continuing fiercely.

“We would like to extend big congratulations to the winners who illustrated tireless commitment to improving the safety industry. We would also like to take the time to commend all those who entered for their dedication and loyalty, the judging panel was overwhelmed with the quality of entrants and the clear passion companies have in delivering a quality service and focused products, all with the aim of improving workplace safety. It gives us great pride to able to honour the health and safety industry's finest.”

The winners and finalists of the BSIF Safety Awards 2011 are:

BSIF Service Awards
An award for companies in the safety field offering exceptional and innovative service solutions, voted on by the entrants' own customers.

Winner Arco Blaydon
Highly Commended Arco Scotland
Highly Commended Willis Safety
Commended Guardsman
Commended The McOnie Agency

BSIF Excellence Awards
Based upon case studies submitted by BSIF members, these awards recognise major improvements in occupational safety created in 2010/2011.

National Asbestos Training & Accreditation Scheme (NATAS)

BSIF Product Innovation Awards
An award for products that are new and innovative and will contribute to improvements in occupational safety and health.

Sperian, Howard Leight Quiet Dose Exposure Monitor

Highly Commended
Simon Safety, Redwing Oil & Gas Boot

Highly Commended
Cirrus Research, Optimus Green Sound Level Meter

Microguard, Microchem PAPR

3M Versiflo TR-300 Powered Respirator

Sperian, Twin Turbo