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A load of good advice

23 January 2013

The HSE has launched a load safety website as part of a campaign aimed at reducing the number of deaths and injuries linked to workplace transport

The HSE has launched a load safety website as part of a campaign aimed at reducing the number of deaths and injuries linked to workplace transport.

Spot checks on hundreds of vehicles will take place in the coming weeks in support of a drive to ensure that loads are being transported securely.

Loading and unloading accounts for one in five workplace transport incidentsmany resulting from loads not being properly restrained.

Unsafe loads on vehicles injure more than 1,200 people a year and cost UK businesses millions in damaged goods.
There will be eight days of spot checks at locations across the North West, with officers from HSE and the Vehicle Operator Services Agency (VOSA) inspecting the loads of vehicles that have been pulled over at random.

Similar spot checks took place last year with close to 80 per cent of loads found not to be sufficiently restrained.

Drivers/businesses who are found to have unsafe loads face fines or even risk having their vehicle ordered off the road.

For guidance and tips on loading and unloading safely: www.hse.gov.uk/loadsafety