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04 April 2024

A HIGHLY efficient and reliable high volume, low speed (HVLS) Revolution industrial ceiling fan from Rite-Hite, a leading manufacturer of industrial health and safety equipment, is helping to effectively circulate air, control temperature and save energy at Boulder Central in the West Midlands.

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18 September 2018

Health and safety in the workplace is a key consideration for any employer - reactive maintenance is by far the best way to resolve small issues before they escalate.

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09 July 2018

THE WEATHER in Britain can often be unpredictable and on the rare occasion of a heatwave, high temperatures can pose particular risks for employers. Clare Porciani offers advice into handling a heatwave.

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05 July 2016

Doing odd jobs around the office can be a dangerous business.

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13 August 2015

Menzer Professional has launched a range of air deodorisers, including one which is said to eliminate smoke and the toxins created by fire.

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22 May 2015

The new range of environmental testers from Martindale Electric make it easy to check, monitor and optimise workplace conditions in industrial, commercial and public premises and also enable testing for hazardous levels of carbon monoxide and microwave leakage.

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08 April 2015

McQuay (UK) – a supplier of energy efficient AHU and Chiller products, heat pumps, cooling systems, ventilation and air conditioning systems – will trade under the new name Daikin Applied (UK) and Daikin Applied Service from 1 April 2015.

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29 August 2014

A £250,000 carbon reduction project by electronic airflow control and monitor manufacturer and consultant Temperature Electronics (TEL), has been shortlisted for the carbon reduction category of the 2014 Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) Green Gown Awards.

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23 January 2013

Fastlane Ventilation, the supplier of air handling equipment, heating and heat recovery systems, was part of the team looking after the media at the London Olympics, 2012. A Fastlane air handling unit (AHU) provid

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23 January 2013

In 2011, a survey of security leaders in Europe – the WIK/ASW survey – showed that one of the most important investment criterion for security products, installers and manufacturers is VdS endorsement. VdS has now re-

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23 January 2013

Research has shown that air in commercial office buildings can be up to 10 times more polluted than outside air. Christian Lickfett, director of Allergy Cosmos suggests what measures employers can take to improve air quality in the workplace

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