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The next generation in SCBA

07 October 2021

DRÄGER HAS launched the Dräger PSS AirBoss, the next generation in Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for emergency service teams.

PSS AirBoss includes a carrying mechanism with pneumatics, monitoring systems, masks and numerous accessories such as the ultra-lightweight Type 4 Nano compressed air breathing cylinders, lung demand valves and fire escape hoods.

With the new Type 4 Nano cylinder providing a continued reduction in cylinder weight, all new SCBA sets are significantly lighter than existing SCBA models, and its unlimited life can also reduce full lifecycle costs. 

State-of-the-art ergonomics form a vital feature of the Dräger PSS AirBoss evolution. Improved wearer comfort has been achieved by shifting the centre of gravity relationship between the human body and the set and creating a ventilated space by the SCBA backplate. It is also improved through a pivoting waist belt and three-step height adjustments.

PSS AirBoss’s weight is carried by the legs and pelvis rather than the back. This not only improves personal comfort, but also enhances mobility within confined spaces, while descending ladders and stairwells and in any situation which requires a high level of mobility.

On a practical level, the Dräger PSS AirBoss has also been designed to be ‘snag-proof’, ensuring that all attachments are neatly connected or integrated to mitigate any risk of snagging or entanglement. 

It is available in three models: PSS AirBoss Active providing the lowest weight; PSS AirBoss Agile with increased safety features; and PSS AirBoss Connect, providing a ‘Buddylights’ feature fitted to the backplate, which uses digital data from the set to provide immediate and highly visible signalling to firefighters of their team’s cylinder pressures and physical condition. Large reflective surfaces also increase the visibility of the wearer in all models. 

Cleaning has been made simpler by designing smoother, non-absorbent, water-repellent surfaces to make equipment easier to wipe down and decontaminate. Reduced webbing material allows for faster drying and numerous attachment points mean kit can easily be dismantled for optimum cleaning – both mechanically and by hand.

In recognition of the financial pressures many businesses are facing, PSS AirBoss has been created with a modular design so it is backward compatible with existing Dräger PSS SCBA, enabling elements of the existing set to be upgraded over time. This reduces the requirement to purchase a full suite of new equipment including pneumatics, electronics, integrated communications, cylinders and vehicle charging systems.

Liz Millward, marketing manager emergency and rescue services at  Draeger Safety UK says, “PSS AirBoss has been ten years in development, during which time we have utilised medical, physiological and safety expertise and thoroughly tested technology. We have used not only our direct relationships with emergency teams within a wide range of industries, Fire Services and global expert third parties including universities, but also our support of emergency events such as Grenfell and the Salisbury poisonings to make sure PSS AirBoss has been designed with real life experience in mind,” she explains. 

“PSS AirBoss’s improvements reduce the physical stress placed upon emergency teams, which in turn reduces the risk of strain-related injuries and fatigue when wearing the set operationally, as well as extending potential working duration due to reduced physical exertion.”

For more information, visit www.draeger.com
