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Nationwide Platforms chooses Elis protective workwear

07 October 2021

NATIONWIDE PLATFORMS has chosen Elis to supply, maintain and launder protective workwear for its engineers, as well as to provide washroom and mats services.

Nationwide Platforms was already being supplied by Berendsen when it was bought by Elis. Now the company has renewed its contract with Elis after being impressed by the business benefits that the new company structure, procedures and technology can deliver.

Nigel Wain of Nationwide Platforms said, “Elis has been able to bring about a number of efficiencies which deliver cost savings and other business benefits. We have been provided with excellent account management and data which means we are able to closely manage our requirements and costs, with clear visibility of spend across all our sites.”

Elis works with thousands of businesses around the UK, advising them on their protective workwear requirements, supplying their workwear and then regularly laundering and maintaining it. For organisations of all sizes, Elis provides workwear on a cost-effective rental basis, so there are no up-front purchasing costs, and there’s also flexibility to swap items if employees change. 

Elis is providing Nationwide Platforms’ 247engineers with new sets of protective workwear. It advised the company on garment options, provided samples and worked with Nationwide Platforms to carry out wearer trials. The engineers across the company’s 32 sites will now be wearing garments from the Elis Lumi high visibility range. They have been able to choose their own set of garments from coverall, trouser and jacket options, with each item allocated to the individual wearer and returned to their own locker once laundered by Elis.

Comments Jennifer Davies of Elis, “Each garment contains the wearer’s barcode and name, in addition to a tiny RFID tag. This technology means we can monitor the use and laundry of each item and provide customers with full visibility of where their garments are and when they are being used. This data means that we can continuously adjust stock levels to ensure we are providing the optimum stock for our customer’s business.

“Nationwide Platforms operates out of a number of sites, and we are able to provide a reliable service for workwear, washroom and mats through our nationwide network of industrial laundries and service centres and our fleet of over 650 vehicles.”

In addition to increasing the efficiency of Nationwide Platforms’ workwear service, Elis has standardised its washroom and mat services across all sites. The company is now benefiting from upgraded and additional washroom equipment, including Dyson HEPA filter jet air dryers, and visibility of spend that was not possible before, as each site organised its own washroom service.

Nigel Wain comments, “Elis has helped us streamline our product range across both workwear and washroom, while also providing better options for employees and reducing costs. The new tailor-made reporting gives us easy access to useful data to manage the service and costs on an ongoing basis.”

Elis is committed to reducing its environmental footprint and holds the Carbon Trust Standard Certificate in recognition of its reductions in CO2 emissions and water usage over many years.

For more information, visit https://uk.elis.com/en
