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HSE agrees to scrap 13 ‘redundant' measures

23 January 2013

The HSE Board has recommended that 13 legislative measures be revoked to help make the health and safety system easier to understand and increase levels of compliance.

The HSE Board has recommended that 13 legislative measures be revoked to help make the health and safety system easier to understand and increase levels of compliance.

It's the outcome of the consultation on proposals to remove fourteen legislative measures, which were either directly recommended for revocation in the Löfstedt review or identified by HSE.

A spokesperson for HSE said: "Following consideration of consultation responses and HSE's expert views, the Board agreed to recommend the revocation of 13 of the 14 legislative measures put to them (Wednesday 22 August), agreeing that they can be removed without any compromise on health and safety.

"This is because they duplicate protections found in other more recent regulations, are redundant or do not deliver the intended benefits. The Board stressed the importance of engaging with employers and employees to ensure that there is a clear understanding that the required standards remain the same and that the changes will simply remove duplication of regulation.

"The Board has asked for additional information on the work that is being undertaken to maintain standards if the Docks Regulations 1988 are removed and will make a decision on whether to recommend revocation once this has been provided. All recommendations will go to the Minister for decision in due course."

This work forms part of HSE's programme of wider reforms to help employers understand quickly and easily what they need to do to manage workplace risks in order to increase levels of compliance.

HSE's board recommends that the following legislation should be repealed or revoked without a reduction in health and safety protection in the workplace:

•Celluloid and Cinematograph Film Act 1922
•Celluloid and Cinematograph Film Act 1922 (Exemptions) Regulations 1980
•Celluloid and Cinematograph Film Act 1922 (Repeals and Modifications) Regulations 1974
•Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations 1982
•Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (Amendment) Regulations 2002
•Gasholders (Record of Examinations) Order 1938 and a related provision (section 39 (2)) in the Factories Act 1961
•Shipbuilding and Ship-repairing Regulations 1960
•Docks, Shipbuilding etc (Metrication) Regulations 1983
•Locomotives etc Regulations 1906 (Metrication) Regulations 1981
•Gasholders and Steam Boilers (Metrication) Regulations 1981 
•Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989
•Notification of Conventional Tower Cranes Regulations 2010 and Notification of Conventional •Tower Cranes (Amendment) Regulations 2010 
For further consideration by the Board:
Docks Regulations 1988
The full Board report, including detail on consultation responses and HSE's analysis of them can be viewed at: www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/meetings/hseboard/2012/220812/paugb1257.pdf