Quick change

23 January 2013

Motive power specialist EnerSys Motive Power is now supplying four-tier battery banks which reduce significantly the footprint of lift truck battery change and charge operations, facilitate easy maintenance and maximise

Motive power specialist EnerSys Motive Power is now supplying four-tier battery banks which reduce significantly the footprint of lift truck battery change and charge operations, facilitate easy maintenance and maximise operational safety. The battery tiers are serviced by an innovative all electric-powered battery changing cart, the EnerSys Pro-Series Battery Bull BBE. The Pro-Series BBE which services the battery racks is a semiautomated all electric powered change cart. It runs on concealed rails alongside rows of chargers.

When a change is required, the truck approaches the changing area, the battery is disconnected and a trained member of staff completes the change.

The BBE extracts the battery from the truck on to its on-board roller bed using a powerful extending electro-magnet and then pushes the battery into place for charging.

Batteries on the second, third and fourth levels of the charging bank are handled in the same way.

Changing batteries is a quick and simple one-man job which can be accomplished in around 90 seconds.